When it comes to blogging, WordPress is the number one choice when it comes to the website management system; used by over 60 million websites. As of April 2019, WordPress makes up 33.6% of the top 10 million sites. In this post, you’ll learn the benefits of using WordPress as a blog site. That way, you can confidently use this platform to make your blog successful.
WordPress Has Everything You Need
WordPress is a free and popular open-source content management system (CMS). You can take advantage of the easy to use template system and superb plugin architecture. Starting a blog is made easier with many free and affordable tools you can use at WordPress.
Here are the things WordPress can offer, making it the first choice for aspiring bloggers:
WordPress has a lot of user-friendly features needed by blogging/website creators who are just starting. By using its coding tools, you have the freedom to interact and use the software to do modifications. If you decide to advance your blogging career to marketing, WordPress also caters to other types of web content, such as media galleries, forums, mailing lists, and online stores.
If you’re a newbie, you want to make sure you have everything you need for a stress-free site and content creation. That’s why it’s a good idea to check informative sites, like sitebeginner, that provides free and unbiased advice to start and manage a blog site successfully.
WordPress Is Easy to Use
WordPress is mostly used in starting a blog site because the user can quickly post content, upload images, and manage account even without high technical skills in web design. You don’t need to study computer programming or become a website artist to use WordPress. Here are the reasons why WordPress is the preferred choice by new blog site creators:
The administrative interface is more intuitive than other competitors. Adding web content, like an article or a high-resolution image, is quick and easy. The dashboard is easy to use and can easily be comprehended. Installing plugins requires little effort.
Quick Installation
Many web hosting providers are offering a seamless one-click WordPress installation. There’s no need to download any installation files or use an FTP server. All you have to do is visit the control panel of your web hosting provider and click “Install WordPress.” You can create and design your blog site within a few minutes.
Professional Impression
Most often than not, free blogging platforms provide a negative impression on visitors. But WordPress is the opposite. Even if it’s a free blogging platform, WordPress has a good reputation by providing a more trustworthy and professional impression.
Promotes a Secure Blog Site
While there’s no guarantee of 100% web security, WordPress lessens your site’s risk for cyber vulnerability. It’s decently secure with a low number of security exploits over the years as compared to some other website content management systems. Here are some tips to make your WordPress blog site even more secure:
Configure WordPress backups Regularly update your WordPress plugins Use a secure and reliable web hosting company Turn off or disable database errors Use the latest WordPress version Utilize the Web Application Firewall (WAF) Hide your plugins directory Review the file permissions of your WordPress folders Use a strong WordPress login password
Take Advantage of WordPress Plugins
WordPress has tons of plugins you can choose from so you can integrate your blog site to your social media, track your site metrics, turn your blog site into an online store, help you with creating a podcast, and so much more.
Strong Community Support
One of the most significant benefits of using WordPress when starting a blog is its strong community support. Because many people are using WordPress, expect a large community sharing ideas, thoughts, and strategies that can help you make your blog site appealing, informative, engaging, and user-friendly. Conclusion WordPress has everything every blogger needs to create a professional site, such as coding tools, customization tools, plugins, updates, security features, and reliable speed. Customizing your blog site template is very easy even if you don’t have formal education or training in web design. Also, you can extend beyond blogging if you want to take your passion to the next level, such as starting an online store or a digital marketing business.