The second most important thing is protect yourself for hackers and jammers. It should be made concrete that your connection is not under surveillance. And to aid all these conditions we now have the Cyborg Unplug. It is an innovative device to make your internet experience secure and reliable by removing surveillance devices from wireless networks. It provides you that security which you always feared was in jeopardy while accessing a wireless network. It can also break uploading and streams on the network, thus enhancing the security.
Thus is a smart anti- surveillance system, apt for your home and workplace connections, after all your internet should only be yours. It is a smart device for your smart system. It scans the network and eliminated all those devices that may be risky for your privacy. It ensures that nobody abuses your connection. Nowadays, wireless surveillance is omnipresent so it is very necessary to have all our shields ready. Every single day, new geniuses are stepping into the market to join many companies, may be big or small. These corporations usually have permeative product lines running alongside small and insignificant computer who are connected to the network having powerful surveillance devices. This technology is mainly observed in Google Glass and many other optically active drones.
Cyborg Unplug scans the scans the connection for signatures from such devices and alerts you immediately on your smartphone. As soon as such a device attempts to connect to your secured network the Unplug disconnects it and barricades the internet access. Unlike many other complex gadgets, it has a very simple interface. You need to simply plug in the Cyborg Unplug and pair it to your laptop or smartphone. Then you have to initialize the device by providing it the information regarding the types of devices you would like to block and the network it must protect and you are good to go.
Not only it provides great functionality that everyone must possess but it also comes easy on the pockets not like all the other highly advertised network security modems that we usually come across. You can buy the Cyborg Unplug at a very humble price of only $50. Currently the production has not started but the company has started taking pre orders.