In this article, we examine the many industries that actually have bespoke high-tech innovations being developed specifically for their field. From art to fashion, we’re moving forward with future technologies.
Law and Legal Services
The legal sector has always been considered as a traditional industry that heavily relies on real people to do most of the work. If you think about it, it makes a lot of sense, most of the decisions that have to be made require conscious, critical thinking. However, it does not stop this industry from innovating into the future. A startup called Atrium just raised $65 million last year in order to facilitate legal busywork. What the founders are focusing on is the use of machine learning for workarounds around time-consuming paperwork that lawyers have to go through.
Everything from digital marketplaces to field service apps for operation decision is being invested heavily on as of late and it comes as no surprise. As the population of the world increases, there’s constant pressure on our current food supplies. Once we factor in wastage and inequality, the situation becomes more challenging. There’s a lot of high-tech innovations that don’t just involve genetic engineering in agriculture. Advanced irrigation systems are being built, hydroponics could lead the way in farming in places with bad soil, and count in specialized social networking apps for farmers and you really see where we’re headed!
If you combine tech and art, you usually think about the ways art education is taught through high-tech mediums or how technology can aid the art creation process. However, it goes beyond that. The way we experience art is now drastically being changed by apps such as Smartify which allows you to scan the art and reveal additional information about paintings. In fact, there’s some neuroscience being integrated into The Peabody Essex Museum where biometric technology is being used in order to properly record and scientifically document visitors’ behavior as they walk through displays. This allows emotional responses to be tracked and for managers to be able to improve exhibit setups.
Technology is the future and it’s up to the minds of tomorrow to harness what we have today in creating better societies. It’s not surprising that education is benefitting the most from high-tech innovations to simple innovations like online classrooms and learning the use of augmented and virtual reality to help facilitate educational instruction. We’ve had a lot of strides in education with simple offerings such as smartboards to 3D printers that help in understanding engineering concepts. Artificial intelligence and machine learning are also finding a home amongst a growing number of students because of their use to cater to the individualized needs of students. Take for example those with special needs, technology can assist in catering towards the subjects that they need help in. Tutors that are based on artificial intelligence algorithms are being developed to aid in the education of students in writing and mathematics.
Fashion is a creative industry, but would you believe that they’re leading in a number of high-tech innovations in wearable technology and artificial intelligence for predicting the behavior of their customers? The industry is engaged in a number of innovations such as “skin electronics” where you can have a wearable on-screen electrode sensor that shows you your electrocardiogram which then transmits this data to the cloud; research being done MIT has been able to build smart tattoos that can turn your skin into a screen; and did you know that there’s work being done on interactive robotic dresses that can make independent movements depending on the algorithm? Fashion being an innovative industry is nothing new, but having smart high-tech innovations being developed to enhance the lives of users is truly fascinating indeed.
It’s exciting to think of the ways that high-tech innovations can impact the future. Previous tech buzz words such as machine learning, artificial intelligence, and big data are now becoming common knowledge and being implemented into previously traditional sectors. We know that this is only the beginning and sometimes it helps to be hopeful about the future.