However, whilst the online world does undoubtedly come with its vast number of advantages from a business standpoint, it can also be a dangerous platform to build on, especially if you are not fully covered from the risks that are at large. Although the software is constantly being developed to keep both individuals and businesses safe online, there are still steps that can be taken to ensure maximum safety when operating digitally. Crucially, it is important for businesses, especially small businesses as they do not generally have the same access to huge resources as larger corporate companies, to cover themselves with general liability insurance. General liability insurance is the most basic level of cover that can be taken out and it covers necessary business needs. For some, taking out insurance online can be a daunting task, but the process of signing up for cheap general liability insurance has never been easier due to the simple, affordable and tailor-made plans that can be found online. Such a level of insurance covers several key grounds such as bodily injury, personal injury and property damage. With predominantly digital business, personal injury cover is one of the most important as life without it can prove to be a costly process. Copyright is a hot topic of conversation at present with the current law in the United States being governed by federal statute, namely the Copyright Act of 1976. As the digital era of business is still fairly fresh, it is not beyond the realms of possibility that mistakes could be made throughout a course of dealing, especially in relation to copyright.
“Elgeyo Marakwet Data Training Desk” (CC BY-SA 2.0) by Open Institute Alongside potential copyright infringement protection, general liability insurance covers businesses against advertising infringements and property damage. With many smaller online digital businesses being run primarily from one location, it is vitally important to ensure that your main assets remain protected even during periods where nobody is using them for work purposes. If you correctly specify in your policy what property you want to be protected, then the foundations of your digital business are guaranteed to remain both safe and secure. In 2018, the insurance rate for houses in the United States that valued $750,000 totaled around $2,695. With increasing numbers of people now opting to run their business from their own premises, whether that be from home or a different location, ensuring security across every possible angle is critical. Ultimately, whilst the digital era is a wonderful thing when utilized effectively and for positive uses, it can still have its drawbacks. That said, however, with full and adequate cover for numerous business types, it is becoming increasingly important to take your business online in attempts to enhance profits and grow your customer base. Crucially, general liability insurance should be a priority for any small business owner who is seeking to go digital.