Typical message displayed by the error window either gives no advice on what to do next, or suggests running Windows Network Diagnostics, which often proves to be useless. However, there are a variety of easy fixes that can help to resolve this error in minutes. That said, any user can solve this problem manually or automatically using methods collected and described by our team. Now if you have run into DNS PROBE FINISHED NXDOMAIN error on Windows, Android, Chromebook or Mac, no matter if desktop and mobile, you should not worry. Let us describe the root causes of this error first so you can understand what actually happened.


As briefly mentioned before, DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN error occurs due to a Domain Name System related issue, typically because the user’s computer fails to resolve or translate the IP address of the target website. It is very similar to DNS server isn’t responding issue. In case you are facing a temporary DNS error, you migth also run into INET_E_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND error. The computer uses the DNS set in your router or modem. Usually, it is the Internet Provider’s DNS. In most cases, using a public DNS server proves to be the most efficient choice to make. However, the issue can also be related to the wrongly configured HOSTS file. Due to such problem, the victim might not be allowed to access one particular or absolutely all web pages. In such situation, it is hard to understand the meaning of the error and what causes it. Many users start searching for answers on Internet forums like Reddit; however, forum users hardly ever provide detailed instructions with pictures. Luckily, our team prepared an in-depth explanation on how to fix Error code: DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN in Chrome and other browsers. The guide is divided into three parts: a guide for Windows users, a guide for Mac users, and a guide for Android users. TIP. One thing we recommend trying first is to try to access another website first. If you notice that you can enter other websites, but not a specific one, the issue might lie on the other end and not yours. If this is the case, you might just have to wait a little and try again later.


Other methods to try

Disable antivirus

If none of the provided methods helped you to fix the issue, you might want to consider disabling your antivirus temporarily. This will likely help you to access the desired website, however, you must keep in mind that your security software blocks them for a reason.

Method 1. Flush the DNS and configure DNS server adresses

Video tutorial explaining how to fix this error on Windows 10/8/7 is provided below.

Method 2. Restart DNS services

There are two methods to restart DNS services on Windows to fix DNS PROBE FINISHED error. You can do it via Services panel, or via Command Prompt. Note. The described method may not work depending on the version of Windows you are using. If so, we suggest trying other methods.

Method 3. Double-check the URL

Now, this may sound ridiculous, but in many cases wrong URL is the cause of DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN. For example, if you enter a wrong number of www’s before the domain name, you might run into the issue, no matter if it is a WordPress website or not. For example, if you have entered ww.bbc.com instead of www.bbc.com, you will run into DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN error.

Method 4. Check HOSTS file for restricted domains list

In case methods provided above didn’t help to fix DNS PROBE FINISHED NXDOMAIN error, we suggest searching for problem in Windows HOSTS file. If you have done some configurations to HOSTS file on Windows, it might be a good idea to reset it. Please follow these detailed instructions on how to edit Windows HOSTS file or follow a separate in-depth guide on how to reset HOSTS file back to default.


The described problem doesn’t only bother Windows users. Mac users encounter this error too, especially those who like to use Google Chrome instead of Safari. The following guide presents several methods how to solve DNS PROBE FINISHED NXDOMAIN on Mac.

Method 1. Change DNS server address on Mac

Geek’s Advice has also prepared a video on how to fix DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN on Mac by changing the server address. The video tutorial is short and easy-to-follow, so just watch and follow the easy steps to solve the problem instantly.

Method 2. Flush Mac’s DNS Cache

Flushing DNS Cache on Mac is easy. The suggested DNS error fix includes opening Terminal and entering a specific command into it.

Method 3. Fix Mac HOSTS file

If you’re experiencing the DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN error when trying to visit a specific website only, it could be that the site was blocked via your computer’s HOSTS file previously. It can happen due to parent control choices, school or work restrictions. However, there is a simple workaround to help you access the desired website once again. Follow the given steps to review and edit the HOSTS file on Mac.


How to fix on Android 9 Pie and newer versions

Android 9 Pie has slightly different settings than old versions. The new versions support system-wide DNS settings, so you no longer have to modify these settings for each individual network. However, keep in mind that Android requires Domain Name System services to support DNS-over-TLS, therefore not all server’s will work for this. However, if you’re going to be using Google Public DNS, you should be fine. Therefore, we invite you to follow the given steps to fix DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN Android mobile phone error.

Fix error in Android 8.1 Oreo or older versions

To change DNS server on Android (both Wi-Fi and Ethernet), users should manually enter the DNS addresses to every used network connection. TIP: To avoid DNS-related issues on your Android, consider using a VPN. Many users have reported that usage of such program successfully solved various network-related issues to them. PROTECT YOUR PRIVACY WITH A VPN


DNS PROBE FINISHED NXDOMAIN error can be fixed on Chromebook easily. In fact, the issue can be solved in a similar manner suggested for other operating systems – by switching to Google’s DNS. Here’s what you need to do to fix the issue on Chromebook:

With that said, remember that by accessing websites blocked for security concerns, you expose your computer to various risks, including malware or phishing. Please use this method only if you are 100% sure that the website you’re trying to reach is secure and that your antivirus is blocking it by mistake.

Contact your network provider

In some rare cases, it could be that your Internet service provider or your country blocks specific websites for a reason. If you’re encountering such restrictions, it would be a good idea to use a browser that provides certain level of privacy, for instance, Tor browser. Another, and even more recommended option is to use VPN, not only to bypass restrictions, but also to protect your identity and privacy online. PROTECT YOUR PRIVACY WITH A VPN

Restart your Access Point

The following method was kindly mentioned by our visitor Marcio, who suggested that after trying several fixes, he managed to fix DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN by turning his Access Point off and then turning it back on.

Therefore, if you’re using an Access Point of some kind, try restarting it and checking if the DNS issue gets resolved then.

Check the system for malware

In very specific cases, DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN error can be caused by virus activity. For example, ransomware like STOP/DJVU is known to modify Windows HOSTS file and add a list of domains to the restriction list, and as a result, the victim might run into the said error when trying to access them. We have provided a method to fix compromised HOSTS file for Windows and Mac already. However, if you suspect that your computer has been affected by spyware or malware, run RESTORO to fix virus damage on Windows. Mac users might want to run a scan with INTEGO. That is it! If you managed to solve Error code: DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN issue on Windows/Mac/Android OS in a different way, do not forget to share your knowledge with others in the comments section below.