In his article, I’m going to mention the top 10 YouTube channels where you can learn programming and other concepts around it for free.

The Top 10 YouTube Channels for Programming

There are various channels on YouTube where a person can learn programming for free. These channels are mentioned below

1. Code Course

Codecourse offers various courses which range from being basic to advanced in nature. Apart from this, he also helps by providing videos regarding programming concepts such as arrays. The courses on his channel include JavaScript breakout game creation, Lavarel, Real-time chat using the command line, PHP, tips for writing cleaner code, building a shopping cart using PHP and various such other concepts. Also Read: Top 10 Websites for Beginner Programmers to Learn Coding

2. TheNewBoston

thenewboston is another channel which helps beginners to get access to programming knowledge for free. It has various courses relating to various genres of programming. It has Angular 2, Flask, ReactJS, CSS etc for individuals interested in web development. For command line programming enthusiasts it has Linux tutorials, GUI development using Python, a Windows Command Line course etc. The channel also contains various videos which give an insight into various programming languages such as C, R, C++, HTML, Ruby, Java etc.

3. LevelUp Tuts

LevelUp Tuts is a channel on YouTube with a story. It was set up back in the March of 2012 by Scott Tollinski & Ben Schaaf while working together at Q Ltd. Following an accident, Scott suffered a concussion and was unable to be active. At this time, Ben tried to lower his pain by plotting to create projects on Web Development. Six years later, the channel continues to make videos completely dedicated to web development. There are various platforms upon which the channel makes videos on such as Drupal, WordPress, HTML5, CSS, React etc. Also Read: Top 5 Best Ethical Hacking Courses for Programmers

4. is another channel which is dedicated to creating videos solely on web development. The channel provides videos on topics such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, CSS, Layout, Responsive Design, Dev Ops etc. However, the videos created by them are not limited only to these platforms. They also provide tutorials Vue.js, AngularJS, Node.js, Docker, jQuery etc. For enthusiasts who want to take it a step further, the channel also provides a machine learning course by making use of JavaScript.

5. Google Developers

The Google Developers channel, offers lessons, talks, the latest news & best practices. Learn Android, Chrome, Web Development, Polymer, Performance, iOS & more! Also Read: 5 Best Websites By Google for Programmers and Developers

6. Derek Banas

The uploader Derek Banas explains the whole concept of any particular coding language within a single video only. This amazing channel is consist of the video tutorials regarding the programming languages. If you don’t have much time or preparing for exams, you should follow his channel.

7. Treehouse

Treehouse youtube channel has more than 350 videos that provide the knowledge about the PHP, javascript. Python, CSS, swift, and C++. These videos try to make it easy to learn without any complications or complex strategies. Also Read: Top 5 Easiest In-demand Programming Languages in 2018

8. xoaxdotnet

Apart from functioning as a YouTube channel, xoaxdotnet also has a dedicated from where people can download code samples for practice. Xoaxdotnet is a channel which has content relating to various concepts such as literature and analysis, children’s education and faith and reason apart from programming concepts. For programming concepts, it offers videos for beginners such as C++, JavaScript, C++, Java etc.

9. Edureka

Edureka is an interactive platform which is trying to change the way education is delivered to the current generation. They have various web seminars, sample classes, lectures etc on topics such as Big Data, DevOps, Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Data Science, Apache, Spark, Python etc. Apart from providing theoretical knowledge, Edureka also provides real-life scenarios for industry relations.

10. Pluralsight

Out of all the channels mentioned in this article, Pluralsight is probably the only one which offers certification courses. In case the user feels impressed with the basic course on YouTube, he or she can sign up for the complete course on their website. They also have an unlimited training at $29 for a month. There are various topics for which the user can sign up to such as Angular JS, C#, ASP.NET MVC, CISCO networking, cloud storage, Windows Server etc.